Camarillo Airport, California

Camarillo, California

Coffman Associates completed an administrative draft Initial Study on Camarillo Airport’s proposed Northeast Hangar Development Project. The proposed project included the development of approximately 20 acres of open land on the northeast quadrant of the airport. The purpose of the proposed project was to provide additional county-owned hangars at the airport, which had a waiting list of 130 people, requiring an approximate five- to six-year wait. Based on the conclusions of the draft Initial Study, the Ventura County Department of Airports tentatively intends to adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project.

Project History

Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration 2020 | Environmental Assessment 2017 | Part 150 Noise Study 2024 | ALP Update with Narrative 2024 | Airfield Geometry and Drainage Study 2020 | Airport Master Plan 2011 | Environmental Impact Report 2003 | Comprehensive Land Use Plan 2000 | Environmental Assessment 1999 | Part 150 Noise Study 1999 | Airport Master Plan 1997