Airports provide several unique benefits to a community, including jobs, revenue, and links to the larger air transportation network. Through the years, we conducted numerous feasibility studies assessing if communities could support an airport, or if a facility would be more successful or appropriate in a different location. To do this, we developed tools and specialized analyses to assist with the selection of an appropriate site for a new or relocated airport. We are proud to have planned several new commercial service and general aviation airports operating today.

Coffman Associates partnered with the City of Benson, Arizona to prepare an initial site selection and master plan that defined the location and configuration of the existing airport. Original airport development included a 4,000-foot runway, apron access road, vehicle parking, airfield lighting, and navigation aids. Development of the airport was secured with the completion of an environmental assessment in 1992. In 2000, Benson Municipal Airport was named the Arizona Airport of the Year by the Arizona Department of Transportation – Aeronautics Division.
Project History
Master Plan 1990, 2006 | Site Selection 1990 | Environmental Assessment 1990, 1992

Branson, Missouri has long been a tourist destination, but prior to the opening of the Branson Airport, travelers were hampered by the lack of truly local, affordable air service. Coffman Associates conducted a multi-faceted site selection project that included feasibility analysis, airport master planning, and environmental analysis. As a planned commercial service airport, FAA Part 139 approval was also required. To finalize the project, we assisted in acquiring necessary permits from local and state jurisdictions and as well as getting FAA planning and environmental approval of the airport layout plan, airspace, instrument approaches, and Part 139. The airport officially opened for business in May 2009 as the only privately owned and operated commercial service jet airport in the U.S.
Project History
Master Plan 1990, 2006 | Site Selection 1990 | Environmental Assessment 1990, 1992

Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport serves a thriving community that straddles the Arizona and Nevada state line. With more than a dozen casinos in the area, tourism is a major revenue source for the area, and it’s this industry that prompted the airport’s opening in 1991. Prior to this, Coffman Associates worked with the Airport Authority to determine the best site for the facility. Since then, we have prepared a number of follow-up studies, including master plans, noise studies, environmental assessments, and many others.
Project History
Airspace Review - 2019 | Airport Drainage Master Plan 2018, 2009, 2000, 1994 | Part 150 Noise Study 2015, 1996 | Environmental Assessment/CatEx 2015, 2010, 1993 | ALP Update 2013 | Wildlife Hazard Assessment 2015 | Benefit Cost Analysis – 2011 | Business Plan - 2001 | Site Selection - 1988