Del Norte County, California

Few remaining counties in California are without an Airport Land Use Commission (ALUC) or adopted Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan (ALUCP). Coffman Associates was contracted to help with the establishment of an ALUC for Del Norte County, which involved summarizing the formation options and making a recommendation regarding the type of ALUC that should be established.

In 2016, Del Norte County established its ALUC, which is comprised of the County Planning Commission augmented by two members of the Border Coast Regional Airport Authority. Coffman Associates was retained to prepare an ALUCP for the three public-use airports in the county, which included preparation of Part 77 airspace exhibits, noise contours, and safety zones for the airports. Additionally, Coffman Associates was responsible for preparing airport diagrams for two of the airports, which did not have FAA-approved airport layout plans. Upon approval of the ALUCP, Coffman Associates prepared CEQA documentation for the plan approval.

Project History

Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan 2017