Federal, state, and local governments each have specific responsibilities to reduce or limit aviation noise impacts. As a result, noise and land use studies play an important role in an airport’s development and how it impacts the surrounding community. We have completed numerous 14 CFR Part 150 noise studies, airport land use compatibility plans, aircraft noise measurement programs, and airport height and hazard zoning ordinances.
Our experience in these studies stems from the early 1980s through the preparation of one of the first airport noise compatibility studies. As one of the first firms to undertake noise measurements in the field and analyze our findings, we are considered leaders in noise modeling and have a strong understanding of FAA’s requirements regarding airport noise. Additionally, our experience with airport land use compatibility planning enables us to create plans that protect and promote the safety and welfare of residents and airport users, while promoting the continued operations of airports.

Bob Hope Airport is unique in terms of noise compatibility because the Airport Authority has no land use planning authority outside of airport property. In addition, Bob Hope Airport is located within a densely developed area in one of the busiest and most complex airspace environments in the world. Bob Hope Airport has also had a long history of aircraft noise issues and Coffman Associates previously prepared the Bob Hope Airport’s Part 150 Study in 2000.
Project History
Part 150 Noise Study 2016 | Part 150 Noise Study 1999

Six public-use airports within San Diego County were the focus of an extensive airport land use compatibility study undertaken in 2015, which consolidated previous individual studies for each airport. Coffman Associates prepared updated noise contours for all six airports using the FAA’s Airport Environmental Design Tool (AEDT), as well as updated safety zones to reflect current conditions at each airport. Preparation of CEQA documentation is another component of the plan.
Project History
Airport Land Use Compatibility Plan 2015

As one of the most constrained airfields in the United States, noise impacts and land use compatibility are a top priority for the airport and the City of Hawthorne. Coffman Associates has worked with the airport for nearly 20 years and recently completed an update to the City's Part 150 Noise Compatibility Study. The Part 150 plan evaluated a full range of options for mitigating noise impacts, including overlay zoning, property acquisition, and residential sound-insulation so that local officials can meet the increasing aviation demand, while continuing to be a good neighbor.
Project History
Airport Layout Plan Update 2017, 2000 | Hangar CatEx 2017 | Wildlife Support Services 2015 | Part 150 Noise Study 2011 | Master Plan 2005