The FAA recommends that airports update their master plan every seven to ten years, or as needed. Our approach to master planning involves extensive evaluation of an airport's potential growth, with development objectives to best meet current and future demand. The master plan also establishes development priorities and justification for federal and state funding. We use a continuous planning philosophy to keep the plan relevant long after conclusion of the project.
Environmental concerns are a common issue airports face. Upgrading facilities, new development, and making changes to meet FAA standards can all result in potential impacts to the surrounding environment. Coffman Associates is a leader in evaluating these concerns and developing innovative solutions to reduce environmental impacts. We are well-versed in the requirements of the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and federal and state special purpose laws that govern project approvals and permit issuance, and our goal is to guide airports through the approval process quickly and efficiently.

Aviation noise impacts and land use compatibility are key concerns for any airfield. Airports must comply with numerous regulations and ordinances that exist at the federal, state, and local levels of government. To assist in this, Coffman Associates has developed noise measurement and modeling methodology for use in analysis and planning. Additionally, our experience with airport land use compatibility planning enables us to create plans that protect the safety and welfare of residents and airport users, while promoting the continued operations of airports.
Airports provide several unique benefits to a community, including jobs, revenue, and a link to the larger air transportation network. Through the years, we have conducted numerous feasibility studies assessing if communities could support an airport or if a facility would be more successful or appropriate in a different location. To accomplish this, we have developed tools and specialized analyses to assist with the selection of an appropriate site for a new or relocated airport. We are proud to have planned several new commercial service and general aviation airports operating today.

Coffman Associates is experienced in all facets of airport planning — including projects that go beyond master plans, noise studies, environmental assessments, and site selections. We have prepared a variety of special studies to complement other airport planning efforts.