Wilmington International Airport

Wilmington, North Carolina Wilmington International Airport (ILM) has experienced a tremendous increase in enplanement numbers during the past several years. As a small hub airport in a rapidly growing community, the airport enplaned more than 450,000 passengers for the first time in 2022. To accommodate forecast growth, ILM is undertaking an aggressive five-year capital plan…

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San Carlos Airport

San Carlos, California San Carlos Airport is owned and operated by San Mateo County. Located in the San Francisco Bay area, the airport is surrounded by noise-sensitive land uses on three sides. Passenger service by Surf Air with Platus PC-12 aircraft, airport tower manager staff changes, and Next Generation Airspace implementation created aircraft noise concerns…

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Camarillo Airport, California

Camarillo, California Coffman Associates completed an administrative draft Initial Study on Camarillo Airport’s proposed Northeast Hangar Development Project. The proposed project included the development of approximately 20 acres of open land on the northeast quadrant of the airport. The purpose of the proposed project was to provide additional county-owned hangars at the airport, which had…

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Monterey Regional Airport

Moneterey, California Coffman Associates has completed numerous studies for Monterey Regional Airport, including  environmental studies under the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) and the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA). Most recently, an Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Declaration (CEQA) was completed for well waterline improvements (Phases 1 and 2). Coffman Associates will also be managing the monitoring…

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Ventura Count Airports

Oxnard and Camarillo, California Coffman Associates is preparing Part 150 noise compatibility planning studies for Camarillo Airport and Oxnard Airport, two general aviation airports located in Ventura County, California. The studies, which will take up to 24 months to complete, will involve preparation of noise exposure maps using the FAA’s Aviation Environmental Design Tool (AEDT).…

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Lincoln Airport

Lincoln, Nebraska Coffman Associates has been providing airport planning services for Lincoln Airport since 1994 and is currently in its final stages of preparing a fourth master plan for the airport. Lincoln Airport‘s three runways support a variety of users, including commercial passenger service; the Nebraska Army and Air National Guard Joint Force Headquarters (NEANG);…

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Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport

Bullhead City, Arizona As the airport’s planning firm of record for the past 30+ years, Coffman Associates recently completed its fourth master plan update for Laughlin/Bullhead International Airport (IFP). IFP is a unique primary commercial service airport in that nearly 100 percent of the passengers arrive and depart via charter aircraft supporting the local casino…

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