Lincoln Airport

Lincoln, Nebraska

Coffman Associates has been providing airport planning services for Lincoln Airport since 1994 and is currently in its final stages of preparing a fourth master plan for the airport. Lincoln Airport‘s three runways support a variety of users, including commercial passenger service; the Nebraska Army and Air National Guard Joint Force Headquarters (NEANG); Duncan Aviation, which is one of the largest aircraft maintenance/repair/overhaul (MRO) operators in the world; general aviation activity; and a 1,000-acre industrial park with a Foreign Trade Zone (FTZ). Major issues addressed in the master plan include justification for and alternatives to reconstructing the primary Runway 18-36, which has a length of 12,901 feet and a width of 200 feet. A detailed runway length analysis was conducted for commercial, general aviation, and military aircraft to determine AIP eligibility for the reconstruction as well as appropriate lengths for the crosswind and parallel runways. Several non-standard taxiway geometry areas and FAA-identified hot spots were also addressed by rerouting taxiways and creating a new aircraft run-up pad at mid-field, which reduces taxi distances and the need for aircraft to make multiple runway crossings. The plan also identified development areas for a new air cargo operation as well as vertiport developments to support future advanced air mobility (AAM) air cargo and passenger activities.

line of hangars with planes in front at Lincoln airport

Project History

Airport Master Plan 2024 | Capacity Determination for Runway 17-35 Eligibility Determination 2015 | General Aviation Area Plan 2013 | GIS Web Applications 2011-present | Airport Master Plan 2008 | Part 150 Noise Study 2004 | Air Park Study and Development Plan 2000 | Airport Master Plan and Economic Impact Study 2000 | Airport Master Plan 1994